by Fiona Valentine If you have trouble mixing greens, you are not alone. Green seems to be a colour mixing dilemma for many of us. If you want to learn how to paint, conquering green will be very helpful.
So here are five simple ways to mix beautiful greens to get you started.
by Fiona Valentine Has learning how to paint in oil ever seemed too complicated? Intimidating, maybe? Me, too. I had oil painting in my “too hard” basket for years. Once I tried it, though, I LOVED IT! Now, I suggest my students START with oil because it is so forgiving and they can get amazing results quickly.
Acrylic really is a fabulous medium! If you are wondering how to paint with acrylic and if it might be right for you, here are 5 great reasons to give acrylic a place in your studio:
by Fiona Valentine Interested in learning how to watercolour? Have you wondered if it’s the right medium for you? Maybe you just want some simple watercolour how to tips? This blog post has my top tips on some super easy basics to keep it simple.
by Fiona Valentine This blog post is a painting how to with a difference. Before I dive in to why I think choosing one medium is the secret to painting success, let me say that I love that there are SO many options for painting. Each medium offers a unique set of skills to learn, characteristics to explore and story telling possibilities. Painting just never gets old! The more how to paint techniques we learn, the more we realize we need to learn, keeping us challenged and interested.
There is always a new artist to discover and get to know who opens our eyes to the possibilities of painting in a fresh and exciting way. And don’t get me started on the excitement of buying new brushes and paint! by Fiona Valentine You are super busy, I get it. Want to learn how to paint MORE in the midst of all that busy and shorten your learning curve? I have a simple solution! Learn to Love Your Limits. It works equally well if you want to learn to draw. What do I mean? Read on friend and you’ll breathe a sigh of relief at the simplicity here. |
Hi, I'm Fiona. I'm an artist and art coach. I help aspiring artists learn to paint for fun AND for profit even if they've never sold any of their work before.
You have more than enough creativity and talent, what you need are skills - both for making art and the art of selling art. I can help! Archives
January 2022